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Friday, October 14, 2011

The Most Wonderful Season of the Year: It's Officially Fall

And so it begins...the beginning of the fall season in the mitten. Our temperamental "let's be summer again-- in October!" phase has passed (to both my dismay and excitement) and we're on to bigger, better, and more camel-colored things. So be sure to stick with us for all things fall to come. But first, a few lessons in dressing for weather from Elise's recent sartorial mishaps...

1. Wedges are not meant for days when it is supposed to rain. Even if it isn't scheduled to rain until all of your classes have ended, weather has a mind of its own and is forever out to sabotage your outfit.

2. Blazers are the most amazing fall staple ever. Paired with jeans and a cute tee or even a dress, they keep you warm when its chilly and can be taken off when summer decides to be a tease and rear its head the week before midterms. Also, more structured than sweaters, blazers are able to withstand a bit more, weather-wise at least.

3. Rain boots, although not the greatest look, are essential for the never-failing fall downpours. Most days have been wonderfully sunny and only slightly chilly, but there have been a few stormy days and it would be beyond wise to be prepped with rain boots, even if they don't live up to the chic level of your suede or leather slouchy bits of footwear loveliness.

Stay chic and check back for fall stories to come!

Wishing you love, fashion inspiration, and the wisdom to dress for the weather (even if it compromises your superfab ensemble),


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